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4,211 Sq ft
MLS# 127050
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3,225 Sq ft
MLS# 127118
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11,667 Sq ft
MLS# 125402
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MLS# 118563
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MLS# 126079

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Selling your home doesn′t just mean hiring a realtor to stick a sign out front. There are a lot of preparations you should make to ensure you get the best offer possible in the shortest time.Repair. Just because you’ve gotten used to the cracks in the walls and the…
As the events of the last few years in the real estate industry show, people forget about the tremendous financial responsibility of purchasing a home at their peril. Here are a few tips for dealing with the dollar signs so that you can take down that “for sale” sign on…
Looking to buy a home? Here are five essential tips for making the process as smooth as possible.Get your finances in order.Start by getting a full picture of your credit. Obtain copies of your credit report. Make sure the facts are correct, and fix any problems you find.…


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